
Sports & Leisure

World’s oldest female skydiver ‘Dilys Price’ dies at age of 88

Dilys Price Skydiver dies

The world’s first skydiver ‘Dilys Price’ expires at the age of 88. She was initially afraid of heights, making her first jump in her fifties. She completed more than hundreds of parachute jumps around the world. She also entered the Guinness World Record for the oldest women’s singles parachute jump.

She is the founder of the Sparsh Trust Charity Championship Arts and Creative Movement programs for people with disabilities.

She has changed the lives of more than a thousand people, including many people with disabilities and childhood autism.

The sky’s ultimate beauty is skydiving in its passion which makes you feel so free.
When she was 54, she went around the world to complete 1139 solo jumps.

She was an exceptional skimp with background drama and dance, she also specialized in air acrobatics and freestyle.

She was an honorary fellow at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. She touched many people with his great personality and lived life to the fullest. She is truly an inspirational woman.

At the age of 80, she entered the world record for the oldest single parachute jump as a female. At the age of 86, she sold a parachute to tandem skydiver Gareth Thomas. She awarded an OBE in 2003 for services to people with his special needs. She was also awarded the UK Awards in 2017.

She was also named in the list of top 100 women who have influenced Welsh life. She was a model of Helmut Lang to inspire older people to remain active in old age.

According to her, we get only one shot in life, so live freely and happily. She is truly an inspirational woman who teaches us a lot of things she truly deserved for her dreams in her late age. She is truly a great and best skydiver in the world who really enjoyed her work. She was the pride of the Whole.

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