
Economic & Finance

Read more about the ban imposed on Mother Teresa’s Charitable Organisation by the Indian Govt.

Indian Government Bans Foreign Funds for Mother Teresa's Charitable Organisation

The Government of India has decided to restrict Mother Teresa’s charitable organization from acquiring any foreign donations or funds. When Mother Teresa moved to India from Macedonia, she started a charity-based organization. Later, that organization became a world-renown for its efforts in supporting the country’s abandoned children, schools, and clinics. Today, missionaries of this charity work on projects like community schools, kitchens, and even hospitals. 

Yet, India decides to block all foreign funding and donations for Mother Teresa’s Charitable organization. The home ministry announced that specific adverse inputs support such a bold decision. Moreover, we are all aware of accusations on the charity for converting people to Christianity. Of course, the charity denies any such allegations. According to a statement, the charity can not operate any foreign funding accounts. 

Let us read more about the current day’s Mother Teresa charitable organization.

It is no secret that Moc (Missionaries of Charity) oversees the functioning of nearly 250 homes for orphaned children. The power of Mother Teressa’s humanitarian work hat binds the foundations of this charitable organization. 

On the one hand, in today’s day, the Indian Government denies the FCRA registration of Moc. On the other hand, Moc is undergoing violence that hampers their churches and communities. EFI(Evangelical Fellowship of India) has nearly 40 reports regarding violent activities, especially in the southern state of Karnataka. 

A report from the last few months states that the Moc is undergoing an investigation that states, “girls in its shelters recite Christian prayers and read the bible, that too forcefully.” 

Another interesting fact is the tweet from the Chief Minister of West Bengal that says the Government is even freezing the charity’s bank accounts. Later on, the charity already acknowledges that the FCRA act renewal is still under review, and the bank accounts belonging to the charity are still active. 

Is such a bold move by the Indian Government too far stretched?

We are all aware that India is home to the second-largest Catholic population in the whole of Asia. The Missionaries of Mother Teressa’s charity provides haven through hundreds of shelter homes. The motive behind Mother Teresa founding this charity was to fund and give shelter to the “poorest of the poor, as cited by Mother Teresa herself. 

Perhaps the Indian Government’s decision to reject the FCRA renewal for MOC is good and bad for the charity. On the one hand, the Charity’s FCRA renewal remains inactive until mentioned otherwise by the Government of India. On the other hand, once the issue resolves, the world-renowned organization will return for the hundreds of shelter homes that provide safe space for the orphans. 

In Conclusion

While the entire world is still recovering from the Covid Crisis, the MOC’s(Missionaries of Charity) request for FCRA renewal faces rejection by Indian Home Ministry. 

The ban imposed on Mother Teresa’s Charity for blocking all foreign funds and donations might be another hurdle for the organization to overcome, along with dealing with the aftermath of the Covid crisis. 

The irony behind this entire spout is a simple fact that “the Indian nation shared the joy when Mother Teresa received the Nobel Prize for the same work that will not receive any foreign funds until mentioned otherwise by the Government of India.” 

Also Read – List of top donation givers in India 2020, Azim Premji is the leading one.

Johannah is a passionate traveler. She is seeking remote places across India and exploring the benefits of being a Nomad. She has completed her bachelor's in Psychology Hons and diploma in Graphology. Being able to write helps her to share her experiences and be independent to travel anywhere.

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