
Economic & Finance

SL President Rajapaksa revokes state of emergency

SL President Rajapaksa revokes state of emergency

On late Tuesday night, Sri Lankan President Rajapaksa revoked the state of emergency. 

The announcement was made via gazette notification no 2274/10. 

Sri Lankan President Rajapaksa announced a state of emergency on April 1 to curb mass-scale protests. 

The protests are in light of Sri Lanka’s current economic and political distress.

Furthermore, the UN human rights office expressed concerns over the rising economic crisis.

President Rajapaksa revokes state of emergency amidst calls for his resignation

The rising economic crisis in Sri Lanka has fueled mass protests demanding the resignation of President Rajapaksa. 

Furthermore, the opposition questioned the state of emergency and called for the resignation of the President. 

However, on Wednesday, the Sri Lankan government said that President Rajapaksa would not resign under any circumstances. 

The SL government says President Rajapaksa will face the current issues and defended his decision to impose a state of emergency. 

Sri Lanka’s protest against the worst economic crisis since its Independence

The UN human rights office advised the Sri Lankan government to defuse tensions peacefully.

However, as tensions rise in Sri Lanks, OHCHR Spokesperson Liz Throssell said her office was, “concerned that such measures are aimed at preventing or discouraging people from legitimately expressing their grievances through peaceful protests, and that they frustrate the exchange of views on matters of public interest.”

She further added, “we are closely following developments in Sri Lanka where in the past few days the authorities announced a state of emergency and other restrictions in response to mass protests against the country’s worst economic crisis in decades.”

Liz also said, “as the High Commissioner noted in her recent report to the Human Rights Council in February, the drift towards militarisation and the weakening of institutional checks and balances in Sri Lanka have affected the State’s ability to effectively tackle the economic crisis and ensure the realization of the economic, social and cultural rights of all people in Sri Lanka.”

Additionally, she said, “We urge the Government, political parties and civil society to engage in immediate, inclusive and meaningful dialogue to find a solution for the pressing economic and political challenges that Sri Lanka faces and to avoid further polarization of the situation.”

The mass-scale protests in Sri Lanka were fueled by a shortage in essential goods, cooking gas, fuel, and power cuts lasting upto 13 hours a day. 


As SL president Rajapaksa revoked the state of emergency, the country has received aid from India and Bangladesh. 

The economic crisis in Sri Lanka is partly also fueled by the sudden shift to organic farming, including a ban on pesticides. 

Also Read – The Sri Lankan crisis renders stock as world’s worst performer

Johannah is a passionate traveler. She is seeking remote places across India and exploring the benefits of being a Nomad. She has completed her bachelor's in Psychology Hons and diploma in Graphology. Being able to write helps her to share her experiences and be independent to travel anywhere.

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