
Energy & Environment

Forecast: Delhi’s air quality may deteriorate from Monday, due to burning of stub.

Delhi air quality index

The air quality of Delhi is slowly deteriorating due to increasing weather conditions and cases of stub burning and is likely to worsen by Monday. The AQI remained at the middle-end high end in the last two days. It was 189 on Saturday and 180 on Friday.

According to the system of SAFAR, a forecasting body under the Union Ministry of Earth Sciences, air quality and weather forecasting, and re-discovery. Delhi AQI is rising on Monday. It will achieve the high and final category by 5 October.

The main cause of air pollution is the burning fires in Punjab Haryana and other adjoining states, which actually start impacting Delhi. If stub burning increases, the northwest direction is favorable for pollutants to reach Delhi and affect the air quality index.

Stub burning is started in Haryana and Punjab, which has been seen on the satellite in the last few days. Gopal Rai said that stubble burning accounted for 44% of pollution in addition to Delhi’s pollution last year.

Delhi has enjoyed cleaner air than in 2019, only a few days were recorded in January and February, so far only 33 days were spoiled this year. The air quality index considered below 50 is good, falls over 51–100 in the satisfactory range, and 101– 200 is considered moderate, and 201–300 is considered very poor and 301–400 is considered severe.

If AQI levels are not good, it can harm its people, causing respiratory problems, and more. Pollution levels are dangerous for children and old people. Do not allow them to go out in times of this pollution.

Stubble burning always leads to pollution, which the residents of Delhi have to face every year, the government should ban it so that pollution can be under control in the future.

It is mandatory for air to be maintained to maintain good quality, not all people try to burn any kind of stalks or dry leaves. Try to plant as many trees as you can to beautify your surroundings and provide you with clean air and a green environment otherwise the situation will worsen in the future.

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Editorial Director
I'm Shruti Mishra, Editorial Director @Newsblare Media, growing up in the bustling city of New Delhi, I was always fascinated by the power of words. This love for words and storytelling led me to pursue a career in journalism. In this position, I oversee the editorial team and plan out content strategies for our digital news platform. I am constantly seeking new ways to engage readers with thought-provoking and impactful stories.

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