
Energy & Environment

Rise of Greenhouse gas emissions in U.S. hikes dramatically

Greenhouse gas emissions hike dramatically in US

The dramatic surge in Greenhouse Gas emissions puts the U.S. far off track from its Climate oriented Goals. Such a substantial rise of 6.2% in Greenhouse Gas emission is a byproduct of a rebound in the economic crisis.  

US Greenhouse Gas emissions on a steep incline

During the aftermath of the Covid Crisis, Greenhouse Gas emissions in the U.S. suffered a dramatic fall of 10%. Perhaps, the rise of Greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. comes as no surprise. As the U.S. economy begins its recovery, Coal-based power generation receives another lifeline. 

However, the Rhodium Group further analyzed the rise in U.S. Greenhouse gas emissions. 

It found that electric power and transportation sectors are driving the Greenhouse Gas emission surge. After all, the United States transportation sector accounts for 1/3rd of its net Greenhouse gas emissions. 

Even in the power sector, increased natural gas prices enhanced coal generation by 17%. Furthermore, we are witnessing the first substantial hike in Coal generation since 2014. 

According to Kate Larsen of the Rhodium Group, “last year’s rise in emissions was significantly lower because the pandemic is still causing disruptions and the economy isn’t back to normal.”

According to what kate Larsen told CNN, “Rise of Greenhouse Gas emissions was mainly due to the rebound in coal generation, there weren’t any policies to make economic growth less carbon-intensive.”

Rise of Greenhouse Gas emissions, a threat to Biden’s Climate agendas

We are all aware of Joe Biden’s pledge during the Paris climate agreement. He pledged to bring down the Greenhouse Gas emissions to exactly half from their peak levels in 2005. 

The rise of Greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. is moving in the exact opposite direction from President Biden’s pledge. Holding up on such a pledge by 2030 would require a yearly drop in Green House Gas emissions.

“We need to achieve emission reduction rate of 5% annually, and the year 2021 brings along a rise of 6.2% in Greenhouse gas emissions,” Kate Larsen, partner at The Rhodium Group, told NPR (National Public Radio).

However, the Rhodium Group further states that the “rise of Greenhouse Gas emissions remains 5% low from 2019 levels.”

It is no secret that there were predicaments regarding a hike in gas emissions with the growing economy. Although, a surprising fact is that rise in Greenhouse Gas emissions at a rate that even outpaced the economic recovery.

In Conclusion

The rise of Greenhouse Gas emissions is undoubtedly a piece of bad news for Biden’s far-stretched climate goals for the decade. 

According to various climate and energy experts from around the globe, “emission reduction will not occur in the United States current economic growth direction, there is certainly a need for urgent policy changes.” 

Furthermore, a report released by the U.S. national oceanic and Atmospheric Administration states that “2021 marked as the deadliest and costliest years on record for extreme weather and climate disasters.”

Also Read – COP26 and the commitment pledges towards Climate Change

Johannah is a passionate traveler. She is seeking remote places across India and exploring the benefits of being a Nomad. She has completed her bachelor's in Psychology Hons and diploma in Graphology. Being able to write helps her to share her experiences and be independent to travel anywhere.

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