
Healthcare & Fiscal

Covid 19: India works on ‘Warm Vaccine’ to tackle Coronavirus

India coronavirus warm vaccine

All vaccines are required to distribute the temperature between 2°C and 8°C which is called a cold chain. Coronavirus vaccines are still developing according to the WHO, which should be cooled to temperatures level 0°C to 8 C.

Coronavirus vaccines cannot travel to villages and small towns without a cold chain. This is the biggest problem for India to distribute the vaccine to small towns. Therefore, Indian scientists are working on ‘Warm Vaccine’. This warm vaccine can be stored at 100°C for 90 minutes. It can be stored for 70 degrees for 16 hours and 37 degrees Celcius for more than the month claimed by scientists.

According to Indian professors of the Indian Institute of Science, his team tested this warm vaccine on animals, and in the end, we got good results. They are now planning to test it on humans with safety.

Vaccines that maintain high temperatures are extremely rare. Only HPV, meningitis, and cholera vaccines can be stored in 40 degrees Celcius. Even these vaccines are reducing the pressure on health workers and it is really useful and useful during the emergency period. Cold chains help vaccines to travel because many locations require multiple vaccines.

India is expecting to distribute vaccine between January 2021

India is expecting to distribute the warm vaccine to 400 million to 500 million people.
They are also planning to operate this mission between January 2021 to distribute it to 250 million people in its first phase. They will be distributed under the vaccination program. They basically target newborns, pregnant women, and older persons. They also plan to distribute 390 million free doses every year.

India has a strong network of state-owned cold storage of vaccines that deliver supplements to over 8 million locations.

Free space is required to store  Warm Vaccine

The storage of vaccines also requires freezers, ice lined freezers, refrigerated trucks, ice packs, dry ice, cold boxes that help the vaccines travel. More than four million doctors and nurses are involved in the vaccination campaign. Vaccines to be stored at 2 ° to 8 ° COVID Facilities Categories. Vaccines should be classified into three categories according to the WHO coronavirus. 2 to 8 ° cellCIUS, 8 ° to 20 ° cellCIUS, 20 ° to 70 degrees Celcius. It also requires ultra cold chains which is indeed a challenge for many countries.

India cold storage is the largest cold storage in the world

India has the world’s largest cold storage. But most of its flowers and chemicals are in use and maximum efficiency is not useful due to its hygiene. According to the WHO we want to spread the vaccine for the coronavirus to the entire population.

There are various challenges that need to be overcome. But they also need to reach the dose and type of cold storage for the vaccine. It is difficult to transfer and prepare a coronavirus vaccine in each country.

Related: Antibodies Fall Quickly After Infected by Coronavirus

Editorial Director
I'm Shruti Mishra, Editorial Director @Newsblare Media, growing up in the bustling city of New Delhi, I was always fascinated by the power of words. This love for words and storytelling led me to pursue a career in journalism. In this position, I oversee the editorial team and plan out content strategies for our digital news platform. I am constantly seeking new ways to engage readers with thought-provoking and impactful stories.


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