
Science & Technology

India to raise its gaming footprint and increase data security

India to raise its gaming footprint and increase data security

India aims to raise its gaming footprint, says PM Narendra Modi, urging industry leaders from science sectors to increase investment. 

While addressing the post-budget webinar, Prime Minister Narendra Modi encouraged investment in sunrise sectors outlined in the budget. 

Furthermore, while he called upon industry leaders to invest in geo-spatial technology, AI, genomics, and drones, he emphasized on raising the gaming footprint. 

He further highlighted the importance of increasing data security for the country. 

India’s plans for future investments

PM Modi says that science and technology are not isolated sectors for the government. 

Furthermore, the economy’s vision connects to the fields of fintech and the digital economy. 

The Prime Minister said, “As you know, over the past two years, we have started some new traditions – the first is bringing forward the union budget by an entire month. The budget is implemented from April 1st, so we get two months in between to prepare for this.”

“We are trying to get all stakeholders in this in-between period – from central and state governments, public and private players, departments etc – so that we can all come together and look at how the budget can be implemented most efficiently.”

“This is a collaborative effort to ensure how, in the light of budget, can we implement the provisions quickly, seamlessly and with optimum outcome.”

India to raise its gaming footprint and increases investment in sunrise sectors

On account of India raising its gaming footprint, PM Modi said, “the gaming market is huge internationally and the number of youth connected to this market globally is increasing. That is why in this year’s budget we have focused on Animation Visual Effects Gaming Comic (AVGC).”

While the budget emphasizes investments in the sunrise sector, it also has paved the way for a 5G spectrum auction. 

Furthermore, the PLI schemes proposed design-led manufacturing related to a strong 5G eco-system. 

Moreover, the PM stressed the importance of increasing the data security framework for the country. 

He highlighted that India needs to structure standards and norms. 

Future of investments from industry leaders

The Prime Minister stresses the need for an indigenous ecosystem free from foreign dependence on fintech and communication centers. 

He also says that most of India’s medical equipment needs should be domestic.

Furthermore, he said, “the world has seen our reliability from our self-sustainability to vaccine production at the time of Covid. We have to replicate this success in every sector.”

The PM spoke about the Rs 2 lakh crore worth of PLI schemes in 14 key sectors to promote manufacturing in the country.  

He further encourages stakeholders to concentrate innovations and investment in optical fibres in citizen services, electric mobility, e-waste management, and circular economy. 


The PM encourages investment from industry leaders in sunrise sectors. The aim to raise the gaming footprint and data security would lead to better opportunities for the country. 

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Johannah is a passionate traveler. She is seeking remote places across India and exploring the benefits of being a Nomad. She has completed her bachelor's in Psychology Hons and diploma in Graphology. Being able to write helps her to share her experiences and be independent to travel anywhere.


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