
Science & Technology

The Future Tech House of 2040: What will change?

Future Tech House of 2040

Technological advancements since the turn of the Millennium have dramatically changed our homes. With 59% of the global population now active internet users, a world without the internet is unimaginable and technology will continue to rapidly develop. Recent technology research exploring the public’s perception of evolving technology gives us a peek into the future tech house of 2040.

Centrally Controlled ‘Master’ Virtual Assistant

An estimated 1 in 5 British households currently has an AI assistant. As AI ownership increases it is predicted that every home will have a centrally controlled ‘master’ virtual assistant (also known as the Internet of Things) by the year 2040. This will enable households to interact with all their connected devices centrally instead of using individual applications to control the thermostat, lighting, and security cameras.

Fingerprint or Facial Recognition-Enabled Doors

Biometric smart locks will allow you to grant access to visitors based on their facial recognition. 52% of people are happy to see current mobile technology adapted to allow us to access our homes via fingerprint or facial recognition instead of using a standard key.

High Tech Kitchens

With the introduction of smart kitchen appliances, the future tech house of 2040 will automate many chores people dislike, such as ordering groceries. A smart fridge will keep track of stock, including expiry dates. Meanwhile, an oven that informs users when the food is ready would be welcomed by more than 50% of people. 

Additionally, AI robot cleaners will identify specific pieces of furniture by adding them to its internal map as ‘clean zones’. Allowing you to send your cleaner to the parts of the house that really need cleaning. 

Superfast Broadband

It is predicted that the future will bring super gigabit broadband, that can get speeds of 100Gbps, allowing users to copy a complete Blu-ray disc in a couple of seconds. Two-thirds of people are the most excited to experience 100Gbps broadband speeds in their homes in 2040. 

Additionally, it is expected that VR technology will continue to infiltrate more industries, including working from home. Virtual reality workstations are expected to become common. VR will enable workers to work from the comfort of their own home whilst interacting with their colleagues in a more personal way than a video camera. It is predicted that the immersion into 3D worlds via virtual reality headsets will replace traditional gaming systems. 

Artificial Carbon Capture Trees

As environmental sustainability has become more important to many, environmentally conscious individuals do not want technological advancement at the expense of the environment. It is predicted by the year 2040 most gardens will have artificial carbon capture trees that passively soak up carbon dioxide from the air, instead of relying on rainforests. Over 50% of people would be happy to install fake trees to scrub carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in their modern gardens.

Additionally, it is expected that smart environmentally friendly showers will be commonplace in the future tech house of 2040. The device will recirculate water saving up to 80% of energy and 90% of water. 

Flying Cars 

The global market for flying cars is projected to reach £1.2 trillion by 2040. With promising prototypes developed by the likes of Uber and Airbus, perhaps flying cars in the driveway/auto-pad will not be a stretch for 2040. Whilst fascinating, a 2019 global survey found that 80% of people are concerned that flying cars will not be safe. 

Before flying cars become a reality, 40% of people would be happy with self-driving cars with built-in broadband.

Beyond the Home

Whilst the future is unpredictable, consumers are likely to continue spending more on technology than ever before. Since 2000 the price of home gadgets has increased by 150% and is expected to increase more as technology advances.

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