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The wife did not get treatment due to fear of Coronavirus, the report came negative

The wife did not get treatment due to fear of Coronavirus

Meerut: The situation is worsening due to coronavirus, people are not interested in helping anyone because of fear of coronavirus. Fear of coronavirus emerged to such a level that even doctors are not caring for their patients, it sounds terrible to hear.

Don’t think so?

It is true, we are sharing a real incident of Ashok Kumar Gautam and his wife going to heaven on 13 July 2020. His pregnant wife was not allowed to be admitted due to fear of coronavirus. It is really embarrassing that a doctor can do this.

Listen to this story in Ashoka’s words

Late Nupur wife of Ashok Kumar Gautam

My loving wife departed to Heaven on 13th July 2020. This is only because of cruel Dr. Meenal Garg, Lokpriya Hospital Meerut who refused to admit & refused to do treatment of my wife.

I will share the unfortunate incident that happens with me in short

I Ashok Kumar Gautam presently working in PUNJAB National Bank Circle office Meerut since July 2019. My wife has started pregnancy treatment from Dr. Meenal Garg, Lokpriya hospital Meerut since November 2019.

We have got good news on 24th December 2019 for the pregnancy confirmation of my wife.

I and my wife were extremely happy to know about this and planned a lot for the future. Since November 2019 to March 2020 treatment from Dr. Meenal Garg was going smoothly through routine checkups.

But after lockdown, it was very difficult and had become impossible for us to consult Dr. Meenal Garg since she was not ready to sit in her Clinic in Chippi Tank, Meerut.

She was also not ready to sit in OPD of Lokpriya hospital, Meerut during the Lockdown period. She was also not picking the phone after Lockdown.

After the continuous telephone call, Dr. was giving the only minimum required advice through WhatsApp chat or telephone consult for three months after lockdown from April to June 2020.

It was very difficult conditions for my pregnant wife since proper routine checkup and advice was not being given by Dr. Meenal Garg.

My wife had now completed her seven months of pregnancy period and eight months of pregnancy period was started from 1st July 2020.

Suddenly Dr had stopped giving advice through telephone also. It was a very difficult situation for us. We again tried to contact Dr. to see my wife.

But the doctor said the first book online appointment.

We have booked an online appointment after paying Rs.447 (400 consultations fee+ 47 Internet handling charges & GST). Then Dr had given telephone advice that only no physical OPD was yet taken by her.

My wife had told all the details about her pregnancy difficulties which were being faced by her during eight-month.

My wife had also told me about swelling in her both legs, BP (blood pressure) problem which was due to pregnancy only. But knowing the same Dr. had not advised any medicines & precautions for BP (blood pressure), which has caused an increase in the problem of BP and also swelling in legs was increasing.

Doctor not ready to take for OPD because of fear of Coronavirus

On again informing the Dr. she had given an appointment for Saturday 11th July 2020 at 11.00 PM, but due to sudden declared locked down she was again not ready to take OPD and see my wife and given another appointment of after two days at 11.30 am Monday 13th July 2020.

But the conditions of my wife had become more worse due to a delay in attending by Dr. from Saturday to Monday.

Due to the BP problem my wife was feeling suffocation (not breathing problem) which usually happens during eight months of pregnancy which every gynecologist Dr knows but despite of the same Dr had not advised any medicines & precautions for BP and swelling in legs.

Anyway, on 13th July I reached home from my office at 11.00 am to take my wife to see Dr for OPD, but unfortunately had started now, my wife opens the door for me but suddenly she got to attack and become unconscious which was only due to BP.

I was shocked to see the condition of my wife.

I immediately hold my wife who was about to fall down and was not in a position to stand on her leg.

Anyhow I managed my wife by holding and dragging alone to my Car, still, she was not fully conscious.

I rushed to the hospital to see Dr. Meenal Garg, Lokpriya hospital Meerut Who had already given an appointment of 11.30 am.

I reached the hospital immediately and my wife was now started feeling a little comfortable and conscious to see the Dr with the hope that she is now in a safe hand.

But suddenly things changed.

The wife again falls down in front of Dr. Meenal Garg and Dr. Who was fully covered with CORONA Kits had started showing her cruel face. Despite of seeing the situation and knowing the conditions of my wife instead of giving her any medicines or treatment she refused to admit her in hospital and left her cabin and flew from there with advice first do COVID 19 test then I will see what I could do, it was so painful to hear such comments by a Dr about my wife whose conditions were critical at that time.

The hospital staff also told us to go to medical college Meerut for Corona checkup and refused to admit her.

I cried a lot With folded hands to admit her and start treatment but nobody listened to me and nobody understands our difficult situation.

In front of hospital staff, the second attack came, every one of Hospital staff was seeing this, I cried a lot With folded hand please admit my wife and start treatment to save the life of my wife & baby, but no effect on their face.

Didn’t get treatment due to fear of Coronavirus

They pushed wheelchair outside on which my wife was sitting and shouting on me go away from here and take to Medical college Meerut. Since no option left, to save my wife I rushed to Medical college Meerut. But after reaching there our one hour was wasted due to unnecessary formalities instead of giving her immediate treatment by admitting in Hospital.

Which had again caused a delay of one more hour? Due to which my wife has got her third attack due to BP and that was the last attack and then Dr of medical college Meerut started treatment at around 1.30 pm but it was too late to start treatment.

I lost my wife and unborn eight months, baby.

The wife did not get treatment due to fear of Coronavirus

Everything was finished now. If my wife has got treatment immediately at 11.30 am by Dr. Meenal Garg she could have saved with eight months, unborn baby.

But due to such cruel behavior of Dr causing delay of more than 2 hours treatment I lost my wife.

Further COVID 19 test was also done in medical college results of the same was negative.

It was so painful for me.

My wife has gone with her eight months baby leaving behind me and 9-year-old Son due to such casual, carelessness, and cruel behavior of Dr.

I request everyone to stand against such carelessness of such Dr and this Dr. Meenal Garg should be punished. A double murder charge must be imposed on Dr. Meenal Garg. All the medical degrees of this Dr must be taken/snatched. The license should be finishing immediately. Should be Banned for any type of medical treatment/advice/OPD.

Kindly help me and share this with the whole country to give justice to the soul of my wife & unborn eight months baby. Kindly help to punish Dr. Meenal Garg, Lokpriya Hospital Meerut for her such cruel, heinous, careless act & behavior.

Related: When the nation goes for a lockdown, who suffers the most

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