
World Affairs

India-Bangladesh Eternal Ties: A Role Model For any neighboring country in the whole world

India-Bangladesh Eternal ties

India-Bangladesh bilateral relations are a role model in the world in terms of relations with neighboring countries. India-Bangladesh relations are deep and have evolved over time. India is Bangladesh’s true friend. India-Bangladesh relations are a role model for any neighboring country in the whole world. 

On 6 December 1971, India granted diplomatic recognition to Bangladesh as an independent and sovereign country. On the same day, some time ago, Bhutan recognized Bangladesh as the first country in the world. Although it was officially recognized on December 6, India has been standing by Bangladesh since the unofficial liberation war started. Provides shelter and food to one-crore refugees, provides training and arms to the freedom fighters, and provides all possible assistance to the expatriate government, including garnering international support diplomatically. 

After India’s recognition on 6 December, Pakistan was quickly defeated in a joint attack by the Mukti Bahini and the Allied forces. The state of Bangladesh was born on the world map. That is why the day is so important for Bangladesh and India. India is Bangladesh’s oldest and truest neighbor. India was the first state to recognize Bangladesh on December 6 before the final victory was achieved on December 16.

This relationship has expanded in many different ways as the spirit of friendship, understanding and mutual respect developed during the Bangladesh War of Independence continued. He said that under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, India and Bangladesh have become partners in a ‘golden chapter’ by establishing prosperity and stability of the people of both the countries.

Bangladesh is celebrating the birth centenary of the father of the nation and 50 years of independence and this year is also the 50th year of Bangladesh-India diplomatic relations. During the visit of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Dhaka in March, a meeting of the Prime Ministers of the two countries decided to observe ‘Friendship Day’ on December 6. This year, for the first time, Bangladesh and India celebrates ‘Friendship Day’ in many countries (more than 16).

Bangladesh’s ‘Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’ laid the foundation of relations between the two countries through a 25-year ‘Friendship Agreement’ in 1972, which the present Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has consolidated and diversified since coming to power. The Ganges River water agreement in 1996, exchange of enclaves in 2015, provision of transit facilities and maritime boundaries have been identified through his hands. Bangladesh has now become an important partner of India due to its border policy of ‘Neighbors first’

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Bangladesh-India relations, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has reiterated her commitment to work to further strengthen the 50-year-old diplomatic relationship between India and Pakistan. “We continue to believe in the importance of mutual relations,” she said. At the same time, this anniversary has given us an opportunity to think about the basis of our bilateral relations and the way forward. It is also an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to work towards strengthening the long-lasting dynamic partnership between Bangladesh and India. Now it is necessary to focus on connectivity, trade, business, and communication among the people; Of bilateral relations which has gradually become important. The Prime Minister said this in a video message recorded on the anniversary of the recognition of Bangladesh by India on December 6.

The Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi has expressed his determination to work for further expansion and deepening of India-Bangladesh relations. With that said: I am eager to continue working with the Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina.

In a tweet on the occasion of Friendship Day, the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi said: Today is the Friendship Day of India and Bangladesh. Together we are remembering and celebrating 50 years of friendship. I look forward to continuing to work with the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, to broaden and deepen our ties.

On the occasion of Friendship Day, a year-long program has been taken to celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Bangladesh and India on different fronts. Among these Bangabandhu-Bapu digital exhibitions are being displayed in different cities of Bangladesh and India. The exhibition was jointly inaugurated by the Prime Ministers of Bangladesh and India during the visit of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Dhaka in March 2021. The two leaders also unveiled stamps commemorating 50 years of Bangladesh-India friendship.

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of friendship between the two countries, exchange of visits of veterans of war, an inspection of ships, sports program, cultural and other programs are also being organized. Apart from Dhaka and Delhi, Bangladesh-India Friendship Day is being celebrated in 16 countries of the world.

This year will be very significant for the harmony and friendship between Bangladesh and India. On the occasion of the birth centenary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the golden jubilee of independence, Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi arrived in Bangladesh on March 26-27 and President of India Ramnath Kobind will decorate the closing ceremony of Victory Day. It is being heard that the Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina will be the chief guest on the Republic Day of India. Undoubtedly, a unique example of harmony, friendship, and love will be created. It is true that Bangladesh and India are the closest partners in political, diplomatic, commercial, economic, developmental, cultural, security, and even people-to-people contacts.

Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi laid the foundation of relations between the two countries on 19 March 1972 through the ‘Treaty of Friendship’. The trade agreement was signed in 1973 and the Mujib-Indira border agreement in 1974. After the assassination of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu in 1975, all the social, political, economic, and commercial relations between Bangladesh and India deteriorated. After 21 years, when Awami League came to power, an atmosphere of trust and expectation was created again. The agreement is the historic Ganges water agreement. After Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina returned to power in 2009, Bangladesh-India relations began to improve. Especially since Narendra Modi came to power in India in 2014, the Prime Ministers of the two countries have taken friendly relations to a new height. The 7-year-old enclave exchange, maritime demarcation, and other unresolved issues began to be resolved one by one.

Revolutionary changes have been made in the communication system of the two countries to make the economy dynamic including trade and commerce. Dhaka, Kolkata, and Khulna-Kolkata passenger train services and rail services for transporting goods from Chilhati in Nilphamari to Haldibari and Dhaka-Siliguri in West Bengal and Dhaka-Kolkata, Dhaka-Agartala, Dhaka-Siliguri-Darjeeling bus services have been introduced. In March, the two prime ministers inaugurated the Sabroom Bridge over the Feni River, which connects Ramgarh in Khagrachari to the state of Tripura. With the connection of 1.9 km bridge, not only new business doors have been opened, but also bridges have been built between the people of the two countries. Communication is being established not only by road or rail but also by water. Under the ‘Protocol on Inland Water Transit and Trade’ (PIWTT) agreement, there are plans to connect the Sonamuri-Daudkandi route of the Gumti river and the waterway from Dhulia-Godagari to Aricha on the Padma. Cargo transportation activities have been started from Chittagong port to Tripura. But some pending issues such as the Teesta water-sharing issue, decrease of border killings along the border should be resolved as soon as possible. It would be better for both countries. 

During the visit of the Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina to New Delhi in April 2017, a military agreement was signed between the two countries. As a result, the military forces of the two countries will be able to conduct joint exercises and training. The agreement states that India will provide training and technical assistance to Bangladesh through military experts. This is the first defense agreement between the Indian government and a foreign country.

One of the most important issues in the world in recent times is the coronavirus vaccine. India is the first country to provide free vaccines to Bangladesh. When coronavirus infections continue to spread rapidly, there is a lack of liquid oxygen in both countries. Even in such a situation, ‘Oxygen Express’ entered Bangladesh with 180 tons of oxygen.

On the basis of India-Bangladesh relations, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman said on 8 February 1972 at the historic ‘Brigade Parade Ground’ in Calcutta, ‘India-Bangladesh friendship will remain intact forever. No power in the world can separate it. Occasionally some anti-independence, fundamentalist forces try to destroy the relations between the two countries. But their efforts will not succeed. Because the basis of India-Bangladesh friendly relations is trust and confidence. This relationship is written in the blood through the great liberation war. This relationship between the people of the two countries cannot be severed. This relationship is not only between the two states but also between the people of the two countries. The Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina and the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi have taken the friendly relations between the two countries to a new milestone in history. I hope that this relationship will become stronger and stronger. The relations between two neighboring countries show the path to others how neighboring countries can become an all-weather and eternal tie. Of course, India-Bangladesh bilateral relations are a role model for any neighboring country in the world in terms of relations with establishing ties with neighboring countries.

Related: The recent US sanctions on Bangladesh: The US should look at the human rights situation in its territory first!

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I'm Ved Prakash, Founder & Editor @Newsblare Media, specialised in Business and Finance niches who writes content for reputed publication such as,, Motley Fool Singapore, etc. I'm the contributor of different... news sites that have widened my views on the current happenings in the world.

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