

Products that Shark Tank India did not like!

Business ideas that failed at Shark Tank

There were many company products which could not get shark tank backing due to disagreement on valuation. But some of the interesting products were not really liked by the judges. 

Let’s have a look on these companies and their produce:

VA perfumes:The company produces incense sticks with sweet fragrances to invoke love in the air. The presentation tone was great but it couldn’t impress the jury. 

GunjanApps Studios:Founder Mr. Saurav and Mrs. Gunjan Gupta created GunjanApps for developing online educational games for children between 1.5-12 years. Sharks refused it by saying it was addictive. 

Magic of Memories: They manufacture jewelleries made from human DNA taken from breastmilk and human blood and so on. The idea was not liked by any of the judges. 

Cozey Sleep: The company creates clothes which fit like a swaddle and keep you warm and cosy at night. One of the judges tried it and found it uncomfortable. Others said that this kind of apparel is not for the Indian market. 

SAS Fat to Slim: No exercise but only diet to become slim was the product USP, which was not admired by the Sharks.

Zoe Nutrition: They did not appreciate the ingredients of the detox kits and other wellness teas. 

Flhexible: Sharks did not like the idea of eco friendly and light weight paper honeycomb furniture and found it a gimmick. 

Organic Smokes: Herbal cigarettes with caffeine, rose petals, tulsi, green tea, spearmint seems a great idea, but it did not interest any of the Sharks. 

CredMate: They created a mobile app to check the trustworthiness of the users. Sharks find the idea very much confusing. 

Hence, it is recommended that you have to be confident enough about your product. You should try your best to give your best. And, if not selected by Shark Tank, don’t be disappointed, but try harder to establish your business without taking it otherwise. 

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Content Writer
She is an author of many books in English and Hindi. Her poems and stories are very real and will help you to learn from her experience. She has contributed to Times Of India pages and has appeared has model in many ads as well. She is working continuously for Women Empowerment by training women about self confidence and self love through various means. She is also a social worker to help many to be independent in thought and action.

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