
History & Culture

How Islamic law is perceived around the globe

Islamic law around the globe

We know very well that India is well known for its diversity, and India is a biggest democratic country as well. This is the only country who has written a constitution and everything in that constitution Hindu law and Islamic law well explained, and today we will discuss how Islamic law is perceived around the globe.

So, first you should know what is Islam? It is also known as Sharia, is a system of law that is derived from the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.

It is a comprehensive legal framework that covers a wide range of topics, including family law, criminal law, contract law, and more.

Islamic law is perceived in different ways around the globe, with some countries fully implementing it as the basis of their legal system, while others view it with suspicion or outright hostility.

Other countries situation 

In Muslim-majority countries, Islamic law is often seen as an important part of the national identity and cultural heritage. In these countries, the legal system may be based entirely on Sharia or may incorporate Sharia principles into a civil law system. For example, in Saudi Arabia, the legal system is based entirely on Sharia, and the country’s legal code is largely derived from the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. Other Muslim-majority countries, such as Iran, Pakistan, and Egypt, have legal systems that incorporate Sharia principles alongside secular laws.

Outside of the Muslim world, the perception of Islamic law can vary widely depending on cultural and political factors. In some countries, such as the United States and Western European countries, Islamic law is viewed with suspicion and even fear. This is often due to a lack of understanding about what Sharia entails and how it is applied in practice. Some people may associate Sharia with extremist groups such as ISIS, leading to a negative perception of the legal system.

However, there are also many people around the world who view Islamic law in a positive light. For example, some Muslim communities in the West may choose to use Sharia for family law matters such as marriage and divorce. Additionally, there are many scholars and experts who believe that Islamic law can provide valuable insights into issues such as human rights, social justice, and environmental protection.

Is it clash or compatibility?

If we talk about Islam and human rights then the question will arise: is it clash or compatibility? 

According to Marie Juul that the answer depends on what kind of Islam and what kind of human rights we’re talking about as well as when, where and with whom. Marie Juul Petersen explores how Islam entails a multitude of different voices, interpretations, and positions on human rights, promoted by different actors in different historical, social, cultural and political contexts. 

Some people believe that Islam and human rights are incompatible, pointing to examples of Islamic countries that violate human rights. However, there are Muslim individuals and organizations who take a more nuanced view. There are four different positions among Muslim actors and intellectuals regarding Islam and human rights. While there are instances of Islamic countries using religion to justify human rights violations, there are also Muslim voices speaking out in support of human rights.


Overall, the perception of Islamic law around the globe is complex and multifaceted. While it is an important part of the legal system in many Muslim-majority countries, it is often viewed with suspicion or fear in other parts of the world. However, there are also many people who recognize the value of Sharia and believe that it has an important role to play in shaping modern legal systems.

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