

The Best Github Repositories every Developer should check

Best Github Repositories

If you are one of the developers, this list of best GitHub Repositories is a goldmine for you. Mark star in your favorite repository list as soon as possible. First of all, let us explore what GitHub is.

What is GitHub?

GitHub is one of the most popular places to host source codes. The GitHub platform is the most popular way to share technologies, frameworks, libraries, and collections. Also, it becomes a huge developer’s network. With over 96 million repositories and 30 million accounts, it is the largest repository network. Additionally, GitHub is a great place to share all kinds of content, from free books to APIs, from roadmaps to project ideas and to projects themselves. There are some that will help you learn new things, some that will help you build interesting things, and all of them will help you become a better developer.

Best GitHub Repositories for Developers

Now, that we know what is GitHub. Let us explore some of the Best GitHub Repositories every developer should star to.

1. Free Programming Books

Looking for free resources (books, podcasts, courses, development tools, etc…) to learn to code? There are a lot of free resources located on this Github repository that you can use to learn lots of technical stuff. It is one of the best GitHub repositories to find resources on data structures, algorithms, programming languages, machine learning, operating systems, frameworks, software engineering, and many more other topics. Originally, the list was on StackOverflow, but Victor Felder moved it to Github for collaborative updates and maintenance. There are materials from Udemy, edX, Udacity, and many other places. It has more than 204k stars and 44k forks. The Free Ebook Foundation manages this repository, which is a not-for-profit organization.

2. System Design Primer

Software engineers will find System Design Primer useful for learning how to design large-scale systems. Developing that skill will help you become a better engineer. In this repository, you will also find a collection of resources organized by topic.

The repository also provides guidance and tools that allow you to prepare for technical interviews, including a study guide, interview tips, Anki flashcard sets, and an interactive coding challenge, which is often part of the technical interview process at many companies.

3. Coding Interview University

This repository documents Googley as Heck’s 8-month preparation process for the Google interview. It explains in detail what you need to know to pass Google’s whiteboard tests, and provides links to references that explain various computer science concepts in clear terms. (Which, by the way, he ended up taking a job at Amazon instead of all this preparation.)

This repository contains a study plan for becoming a software engineer for a large company like Amazon, Google, or Facebook. In addition to helping those new to software engineering (where knowledge of computer science is needed), it also provides information on how to become a reliability engineer or operations engineer.
The original intention of this repo was for the author to use it as a personal learning to-do list. He studied eight to 12 hours a day for several months before finally getting his dream job at Amazon as a software development engineer.

4. The art of command line 

Developers often overlook the command line, yet it can boost your productivity and flexibility as an engineer. The repository provides useful notes and tips on using the command line on Linux, Windows, and macOS.

This repository contains tips and tricks to save time while using the command line and is useful for both experienced and inexperienced users.

5. Project Based Learning

Here’s a list of programming tutorials in which learners build applications from scratch. The tutorials are categorized into primary programming languages. Several have merged technologies and languages. 

If you believe in the concept of “Learning by Doing,” this repository is for you.

6. Developer Roadmap

Kamran Ahmed has created a great roadmap guide for developers. Oftentimes, students and newbies in programming are unsure of what technologies they should excel in and which path to follow step by step. Having a complete chart with the technologies in each category of development (frontend, backend, DevOps..) will give you a better idea of what you should learn next. If you liked the way he helped you become a developer, bookmark this repository.

Repo gets updated annually to keep pace with ecosystem changes.

7. Oh My Zsh

Community-driven and open-source, Oh My Zsh manages Zsh configurations. Many developers use Zsh because it is both an interactive shell and a powerful scripting language.

You can customize your Zsh setup with Oh My Zsh’s powerful plugins and beautiful themes. It takes some time to get it up and running, but there are great tutorials on the web and examples of other developers that can help you determine the right settings for you.

8. Gitignore: A Collection of .gitignore Templates

Exactly as the name suggests, this repository contains useful .gitignore templates. It becomes necessary to set up a .gitignore file for every new GitHub repository you create. Depending on the project and language, the information in these files may differ. The repository contains templates for almost any language or framework, such as Rails, Python, Perl, Laravel, Java, etc. Even Fortran templates are available on this repository!

9. List of (Advanced) JavaScript Questions

Lydia Hallie created this repository (30,000+ stars) for you to test your JavaScript skills and/or prepare for your job interview. Lydia keeps adding new questions, so this repo is constantly growing!

10. Tech Interview Handbook

You will find all of the materials you need in the Tech Interview Handbook. It includes material regarding How to prepare for coding interviews, Good questions to ask your interviewers, Helpful tips on resumes, and more.

This repository is just the right place for you if you wish to prepare for a job interview in tech (and you should!). With 58,000 stars on Github, it helps you with:

  • Preparing for coding interviews
  • Cheatsheet for interviews
  • Tip/best practice questions related to algorithms
  • Formats for interviews
  • and more…

Check it out before you head to the next interview.

Also Read: Top 10 must-read engineering blogs for University Students

Hello, I'm Sejal Jain, Editor at Currently, Pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science from Medi-Caps University, Indore. I am a Tech Enthusiast and a Voracious Learner, getting my hands dirty in as many fields I can, including, Content Writing| Designing | Marketing| Develpoment. Connect to me on LinkedIn and let me know your feedback for my work. I would love to hear from you.

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