

Are Indians Really Leading happy Married Lives? Here are 5 reasons for Increase in Divorce Rates in India

This clearly indicated that 1.36 million people in India are divorced.

According to a BBC report few years back, it was stated that thirteen marriages out of a thousand ended in divorce in India. This clearly indicated that 1.36 million people in India are divorced. Over the years there is an increase in the rate of divorce cases in India.

A recent study shows that there is an increase in divorce in India and there are many factors which are contributing to its increase. This is perhaps due to various social economic factors which have attributed towards the splurge in the divorce rates.

Top reasons for increase in Divorce Rates in India

1. Women have voice

Earlier patriarchy still has a stranglehold on society; hence the divorce rates were not much. Now the increase in while divorces are higher in India s women also have started to raise their voices. Unlike in earlier times when most of the women were not able to speak against their families in India. This has led to an increase in the number of divorces.

2. Younger generation against arranged marriages

For young people in India, though, arranged marriage is by no means equal to forced marriage. Still most of them get married and spend their lives together on account of family pressures and social stigma. Younger generation do not have the patience to adjust according to the customs and traditions of the older people. Hence most of them part their ways. this leads to the increase in the divorce rates.

3. Improvement in socio economic status of women

Nowadays women have a say in the family decisions as they have economic stability. Most of them are working and might not adhere to the old customs and traditions.

4. Women are well versed with knowledge of law

With the advent of Indian women getting better education, freedom and gaining more independence, it is allowing them to be more in control of their lives. And divorce is something Indian women who have no kind of dependency on a man, will readily opt for, to leave a life not working for them anymore.

Indian women have become independent not just financially but mentally, socially, and physically too. In the past Indian women ‘stuck it out’ with husbands mainly due to the financial dependency. Today, women no longer have to rely on the man and are not putting up with lazy, abusive or destructive Indian men and extended families who are not giving them a marriage that gives them the respect, regard or compatibility they want.

5. Smart Phone

Even when the world of technology has brought together everything under one go, still there are some bad repercussions as well. The emerging technology has also attributed to the increase in the divorce rates in India. The internet, smartphones and increased knowledge and awareness about life and rights and independence amongst Indian women are all contributing to why marriages are succeeding or failing.

Hence these are some of the major reasons due to which there is an increase in the divorce rates in India. Indian families also need to realise at some point of time that lives are more important than the social stigma. Therefore, divorce laws in India for child custody are becoming more important.

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I have an experience of about two decades in Public Relations, Content writing. I have worked for different PR agencies in India and have travelled abroad .Throughout my career, I have been engaged in writing, conceptualising and giving strategic approach to clients. Writing has always been my passion. My hobbies include reading and listening to music.

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