
Energy & Environment

A new discovery by Scientists say that cold-blooded animals may extinct due to climate change

climate change affecting animal

Scientists claim that Climate change is affecting everyone. Animals are no exception. There are chances that cold-blooded animals like insects, worms, reptiles, fish, and amphibians may face the risk of extinction as they cannot bear extreme heat due to global heating. Although, warm-blooded animals like mammals and human-beings are able to adapt with the temperature increase. 

Each animal needs energy to breathe, digest food, circulate blood, and move.   Young ones need energy to grow and reproduce. Animals need more energy to adapt with the increased temperature of the planet. They are unable to sustain in the heated environment and hibernate for months in those conditions. 

According to a new research, published in Nature Climate Change, temperature is not the sole factor, which affects the cold-blooded animals’ energy requirement. Their way of interaction with other species also affects the situation. 

As per the findings, the cold-blooded animals require more energy in a changed world and it may cause their extinction as well. 

We all are aware that in a very hot season, there are no traces of insects, mosquitos etc. In the same way, they hibernate during very cold temperatures. Henceforth, it is advisable to maintain the balance of temperature in the ecosystem for the sustainable growth of all kinds of animals. 

That is the reason, we are talking about Green growth and giving it priority over sustainable growth. Now, we want to develop with pure air, water, and soil. 

There are many instances of air pollution in various parts of our country and world causing severe health issues and death. A large number of animals die due to climate change or increase in temperature. 

Henceforth, it is our duty to protect our animals and environment to live harmoniously. 

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She is an author of many books in English and Hindi. Her poems and stories are very real and will help you to learn from her experience. She has contributed to Times Of India pages and has appeared has model in many ads as well. She is working continuously for Women Empowerment by training women about self confidence and self love through various means. She is also a social worker to help many to be independent in thought and action.


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