
Laws & Registration

What should you check into your rental agreement?

Rental agreement clause

In metro cities, people come for a specific time for the purpose of the job but they choose to stay on rent instead of buying a house. There is. a requirement of rental agreement for staying on rent due to some clause and conditions for both parties.

People came to metro cities for business and higher studies.

Therefore people choose to stay at home.

How do people change their homes in an epidemic?

Well in times of epidemics people lose their jobs due to lockdown and coronavirus.

People like to go back to their homes.

Because when they lost their jobs and earnings, they were unable to pay rent to their bosses, there is no living in metro cities without working.

Working from home became the norm

Since the lockdown is implemented all over the world, multinational companies prefer to work online from their homes.

So work from home has become the norm.

But the trend is now reversing as offices reopen after the lockdown.

And they are looking for a home again for rent.

Even people prefer to live in big houses and avoid sharing houses.

However, the demand for flats for rent is increasing again.

There may even be an increase in rental homes. The school will reopen in a few months.

People will come to the cities again for child education. So people will live more on rental houses.

The rental agreement is mandatory for both parties

The rental agreement includes many details and is all-important.

Both sides need to be extra careful about the points. There are some points that need to be taken care of before signing the agreement.

Must check the house rent

The correct rent amount should be well clear in the mind of both.

Always check the exact rent amount in the contract. Once you are sure of the amount you can sign it.

And not only the rent amount but also the transfer amount and the date of payment are mentioned in the agreement.

Even the agreement should specify what should be included in the rental amount and excluded such as water bill and electricity bill, fee, parking fee, etc.

Fare increase clause

This section mentions the increase in fares over time.

The fare increase is mentioned in the deadline with a few percent.

Like people increase their rent by 10% annually.

Many renters are already aware of this, later they have problems with the owner for this, so check your agreement wisely.

Notice period / lock-in period

However, the rental agreement is done for a fixed period like 11 months, 1 year, etc.

If landlords want to stay, they can rent and extend the rental agreement by renewing it.

If the tenants or landlords do not wish to stay, they can terminate the agreement.

So the clause should be mentioned in it. How long should the landlord be given notice to vacate the house.

Both sides of the notice period and the lock-in period should be thoroughly cleaned.

The notice period is usually before the month and is the same for both parties.

A lock in period means that the rental must remain for a specific time period. And the tenants cant vacate the house between the times.

The lock in period is usually for 6 months, 9 months, 11 months etc.

If the landlord is asked to vacate the house, the landlord will have to return the deposited money, etc.

Restrictive law warning

To locate a rental property well is restrictive by law, the tenant should be careful as the landlord is placed in many other restrictions such as not allowing pets, not allowing parking, etc.

You should believe the ban imposed by the owner.

Even some restrictions such as do not allow passports while staying on rent at their home address.

Herito / annexure

Most of the houses are semi-furnished, fully furnished base documenting the furniture details, the fitting details are mentioned in the agreement.

If there is any loss from the rental, then the tenant pays a fine.

This is part of the attachment clause.

The conclusion

Always be sure of everything before transferring to the House about the owner’s terms and conditions.

Read the agreement thoroughly. If the clauses are right for you, then you can proceed no further.

This is the best way to avoid things later.

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Editorial Director
I'm Shruti Mishra, Editorial Director @Newsblare Media, growing up in the bustling city of New Delhi, I was always fascinated by the power of words. This love for words and storytelling led me to pursue a career in journalism. In this position, I oversee the editorial team and plan out content strategies for our digital news platform. I am constantly seeking new ways to engage readers with thought-provoking and impactful stories.

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