

China Persecuting Its Religious Minorities – Tibetan Buddhists, Muslims

organ harvesting parade China

India, just like any other country in the world, maintains a policy of not interfering in China’s internal affairs, but the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) does not refrain from raising the Kashmir issue in the UN Security Council on the instigation of Pakistan. Ironically, while the CCP is supporting the propaganda being spread by Pakistan, it is persecuting religious minorities in its own mainland China.

Top Religious Minorities like Tibetan Buddhists, Uighur Muslims, House Christians and practitioners of the Falun Gong spiritual practice have been subjected to brutal persecuting for many years in China. They are arrested, imprisoned, tortured, beaten, electrocuted, raped and often killed to harvest their organs. Billions of dollars of illegal organ transplant trade are being carried out in China using these innocent prisoners of faith as “live organ bank”.

Top Religious Minorities persecuting by China

There are four main religious minorities have been brutally persecuting in China, such as:

Persecution of Falun Gong

Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa) is an ancient spiritual practice based on Buddha and Tao schools. This is a complete system of mind and body that consists of five gentle and effective exercises, but stress is given on the cultivation of moral character. Falun Gong was started in 1992 by Mr. Li Hongzhi in China. Today it is being practiced in more than 114 countries around the world, including in India. But sadly, this peaceful meditation system is being suppressed in China.

Falun Dafa meditation
Falun Dafa meditation – Protest against China persecution.

In just a few years of introduction, owing e to its immense health benefits, Falun Gong became widely popular in China, and by the year 1999, around 7 to 10 Crore people were practicing it. The membership of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was 6 Crore at that time. The then Chinese premier Jiang Zemin considered Falun Gong a threat to his sovereignty and despite its peaceful nature, banned it on July 20, 1999.

Falun Dafa meditators being unlawfully arrested by Chinese police
Falun Dafa meditators being unlawfully arrested by Chinese police

For the last 20 years, Falun Gong practitioners are facing torture, murder, brainwash, imprisonment, rape, forced labor, propaganda, condemnation, looting, and economic deprivation in China. The scope of torture is huge and the number of cases registered by human rights organizations is tens of thousands.

Related: Meet the “Badass” Beauty Queen That China Fears the Most.

Persecution of Uighur Muslims 

China’s western province of Xinjiang has a long history of conflict between the Chinese administration and the local Uighur Muslim community. Culturally and racially they consider themselves close to Central Asian countries. Ever since the region was incorporated into Communist China in 1949, Beijing’s goal has been to integrate Xinjiang politically, economically and culturally, and to establish the Han community on a large scale. Uighur became a minority there as a result. During the last decade, most prominent Uighur leaders continued to be imprisoned or sought refuge in foreign countries after being accused of extremism. Beijing was also accused that in order to justify its repression in this region, it exaggerated the threat of Uighur separatists.

According to the United Nations, about one million Uighur Muslims have been kept in re-education camps where they are oppressed. According to Rebiya Kadeer, president of the World Uighur Congress, Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang province, has been made a “torture camp”. The Geneva-based Racial Discrimination Eradication Committee of the United Nations is also concerned with the detention of the Uighur. It has also demanded their release immediately.

Suppression of Tibetan Buddhists

Tibet was never part of China politically. Mao Zedong considered communist China’s independence incomplete without Tibet. Finally, on 7 October 1950, the People’s Liberation Army of China invaded Tibet and annexed it in 1951. There were many uprisings for independence in Tibet during 1956–1958. Notably, 1959 was a year of great struggle in Tibet’s independence history. China adopted all tactics to suppress the freedom movement. Thousands of Tibetans were captured and kept in Chinese jails. About 60,000 Tibetans lost their lives. The Tibetan religious leader Dalai Lama had to escape overnight and sought refuge in India.

This bloody repression cycle of Chinese has been going on continuously in Tibet since 1959-2019. China condemns the Dalai Lama and his supporters as separatists. China is accused of religious suppression in Tibet and tampering with their culture. Tibet still has no freedom of speech, religion or press, and China’s persecution continues.

Repression on House Christians

The number of Christians in China has increased rapidly in recent years. It is estimated that 100 million Christians live in China, but most of them worship in underground churches. China’s government pressures Christians to join one of the state-sanctioned churches, which concur with the Communist Party’s ideology.

China persecution Falun Dafa believers
China persecution Falun Dafa believers

The Communist Party is constantly taking action to control these house churches. Hundreds of churches were demolished due to this reason. Bibles were burnt. Orders have been issued to place photographs of President Xi Jinping in homes instead of the Holy Cross and Jesus. The Chinese government has also banned the online sale of the Bible.

Illegal Organ Harvesting Crime in China

In the past few years, China has emerged as a tourist center for organ transplantation at an international level. Thousands of people go there for organ transplantation. But they do not know where these organs come from. It is surprising that the waiting period for organ transplantation in China is very low – only a few weeks. In other countries, it takes years to find a matching organ. So how is this possible?

Organ harvesting_Falun Dafa
Organ harvesting_Falun Dafa

It seems incredible, but for organ transplantation in China, the organs come not only from the prisoners who received the death penalty but also from a large number of imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners. The annual turnover of China’s illegal human organ transplantation industry is over $ 1 billion. It has been revealed by independent investigations that the Chinese government, in collusion with government hospitals, is involved in the crime of illegal human organ trafficking. Thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have been killed in this inhuman act.

Why is it relevant to India?

Relations between India and China have been tense for some time. But China itself is standing at the crossroads today. On the one side is the Chinese Communist Party, whose history is full of lies and deceits, cheating and frauds. On the other hand, the voices of democracy and secularism are rising. Even though China today is an important economic power and is a member of the United Nations Security Council, its citizens are not free.

Ideology and policies of the Chinese Communist Party contradict everything that represents ancient culture and modern democracy like India. On Nov. 3, 2019, Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH), an NGO based in Washington, D.C., was awarded the Mother Teresa Memorial Awards for Social Justice, in Mumbai, India. This thinking can give India the stance of a world leader. We are eager to see India stand in favor of humanity and stand on the right side of history.

Related: Mumbai Fashion Models Attracted By Falun Dafa Meditation.

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