When your products are going to be sold on the internet, it’s important for you to get the word out. Whether you’re looking for customers or trying to sell directly through an affiliate channel, having a good understanding of the program(s) at your disposal can help you not only make money off these ventures but also save time.
Social media is a vital part of online success, and it is important to understand the platforms that are best for your business.
With social media networks like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter exploding quickly in popularity – and many e-commerce sellers already taking advantage of platform advertising through creative marketing – it’s important to know which platforms provide the best advertising opportunities for your company. This article provides a detailed list of the most popular social media platforms for e-commerce sellers.
Social Media Advertising Platform to Sell On #1: Facebook
Facebook is the largest social media advertising platform on the web. Approximately a third of the world’s population uses it monthly, which is an astounding number!
A Facebook business page can boost a brand’s reputation and increase its sales, therefore all brands should develop one. If you choose Facebook as your marketing platform, you are likely to find your target audience no matter what your niche is.
In addition to your business page, there are other options where you can make direct sales on Facebook, including::
- Store on Facebook
- Chatbots for Facebook Messenger
- Facebook Ads
Find out more about each option below.
All you need to open a Facebook shop is a personal Facebook account and a Facebook business page.
Social media platforms have been overtaken by messaging apps when it comes to selling online. Therefore, when it comes to selling your products, Facebook Messenger is a no-brainer.
Every month, 20 billion messages are sent between people and businesses on Messenger. It’s a huge market to tap into!!
Facebook Messenger is similar to WhatsApp in terms of functionality, but the key difference is that WhatsApp is its platform, whereas Messenger is fully integrated into Facebook.
Facebook’s paid-for ads are the best at generating leads. You can easily capture the names and e-mail addresses of your target audience.
Additionally, you should enjoy a decent return on investment. Advertisers claim that they can get their costs as low as $1 per lead!
It depends on several factors as to the cost of a Facebook Ad, namely how relevant the Facebook audience is and how much budget you have. In general, the more money you spend, the greater your chances of success.

Social Media Advertising Platform to Sell On #2: Instagram
Another popular social media advertising platform is Instagram! With over one billion monthly active users, it is an excellent platform for promoting your business.
Furthermore, it is one of the most engaging social media accounts among all of them; it has an engagement rate that is 58 times higher than Facebook and over 120 times higher than Twitter.
Instagram relies heavily on images and videos. Therefore, if your products can be promoted appealingly, Instagram is a great social media channel for promoting your brand. You should also make sure to target 18- to 29-year-olds since research indicates that Instagram’s user base is heavily skewed that way.
There are a few ways to do this:
- IG Stories
- Shopping
- Instagram Live
- Instagram Ads
Your first step will be to create a business account on Instagram. The Instagram Insights and Shopping tools are just two of the many features that come with a business account.
In contrast to organic posts (free ones), you can link paid Instagram ads directly to a product page. This is a great way to drive customers to your store and boost sales.
In terms of cost, Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads are very similar. According to most studies, Instagram posts receive more engagement than Facebook posts, so you should expect to spend around $5 for every thousand impressions you receive.
Setting up Instagram ad campaigns is very similar to setting up Facebook ads.

Social Media Advertising Platform to Sell On #3: Pinterest
Since Pinterest is one of the most popular social media platforms, likely, you have already used this platform, whether for personal or professional reasons.
If you’ve never used it, it acts as an electronic pinboard. Pinterest users are looking for visually appealing content that inspires them. No matter what you’re looking for new recipes, fitness tips, or business hacks-you’ll find it all on Pinterest!!

Social Media Advertising Platform to Sell On #4: Twitter
With 330 million monthly active users, Twitter is a fantastic microblogging platform. Users often use Twitter to stay up to date on the latest news, sports, politics, and entertainment. Therefore, if your brand overlaps with any of these niches, Twitter is the place for you!
The benefits of Twitter go beyond brand awareness; they also include:
- Enhancing customer relationships
- Increasing your online following
- Promoting products and services
- Researching the market
Getting your content in front of your followers doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. The ease of use of this platform makes it a valuable marketing tool.

Social Media Advertising Platform to Sell On #5: LinkedIn
LinkedIn has 303 million monthly active users, making it an ideal business-to-business networking site. It’s also worth noting that LinkedIn users are almost equally split between males and females, and 61% of LinkedIn users are between 30 and 64 years old.
A striking 80% of B2B social media marketing leads come from LinkedIn. Another relevant statistic is that 92% of B2B marketers prefer LinkedIn over any other social media platform.
LinkedIn is also at the top of the list in terms of average disposable income. 75% of LinkedIn users earn $50,000 or more per year! The results of this network when utilized appropriately don’t come as a surprise. You can also boost your reach with LinkedIn’s paid advertising.
LinkedIn offers three types of ads:
- Featured Content
- Sponsored InMail
- Tex-based advertisements
As far as paid advertising goes, it’s pretty expensive! The average cost-per-click is anywhere between $2 and $7, but it can go as high as $11 to $12.

Social Media Advertising Platform to Sell On #6: Snapchat
Currently, Snapchat has 287 million active users per month, and many brands use Snapchat to reach out to millennials – especially.
Snapchat pays for advertising in the following ways:
- Snap Ads: Snap ads are just interactive video advertisements. In comparison to other similar platforms, their swipe-up rate is five times higher. However, these typically cost anywhere from $1,000 to $3,000 per month to run.
- Snapchat Sponsored Lenses: When a company purchases a sponsored lens, it can create a customized filter for Snapchat users to use. They aren’t cheap-typically, they cost between $450,000 and $700,000.
- By choosing a Snapchat Discover ad, you will put your brand’s story at the top of user feeds. The cost of this advertising option is $50,000 per day.

After reading this article, we hope you’re inspired to use social media to market your brand and sell your products! Find out which option works for your brand and which doesn’t. It might surprise you which social media sales channel is a hit with your audience!
Also Read: How to Shop on Instagram | An Ultimate Guide for Instagram Shopping