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ISKCON devotees Distributed Food among the flood-affected people of Bangladesh Despite Their Attack On Hindu Temples

ISKCON devotees Distributed Food among the flood-affected people of Bangladesh Despite Their Attack On Hindu Temples which indicates that humanity is till present

ISKCON devotees distributed food among the flood affected people of Bangladesh. The recent floods in Bangladesh have caused immense suffering as nearly 300000 people had to leave their homes and seek safety in emergency shelters. The floods have affected around 4.5 million people overall and many areas are underwater and the situation is dire. Rescue teams are working hard to help those stranded and the heavy rains have made rivers overflow leading to a lot of damage. 

People are trying to cope with the loss of their homes and belongings. The community is coming together to support each other during this difficult time and the government and various organizations are providing aid to those in need. A shocking incident has also taken place where the ISKCON devotees distributed food among the flood-affected people of Bangladesh despite their attack on the Hindu temples previously. This tells us that the ISKCON devotees care about humanity therefore they are trying their best to feed the people of Bangladesh who are hungry due to the floods.

Previously the Hindus who were living in Bangladesh were severely tortured by the Bangladesh Muslims. After the resignation of Sheikh Hasina there were almost 200 attacks on the Hindus by the Bangladeshi residents. The Hindus were sexually assaulted and 11 Hindus were also killed during that time. 

Along with this the Bangladeshi residents also targeted the temples of the Hindus and decided to damage them. One of those temples was the ISKCON temple in Meherpur which was burnt by the Bangladeshi residents with the help of fire. Along with this several other hIndu temples were targeted by the Bangladeshi residents. Still when the Bangladeshi residents were suffering from the flood the ISKCON devotees helped them with food as they were hungry due to the flood.

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What Are The Reactions Of The Indians?

There were mixed views on this incident by Indians. Some said that “These very same people taking food now will burn the ISKCON temples in a blink of an eye without hesitation and there is no hope for humanity!” While some said that “They are mad to do it and I am totally against this gesture”. Some even became proud that they are Indians as they said “Hindus are always there to help”. Some people said that “They should only helped the Hindus living in Bangladesh”

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