
Managing Sales Leadership

The Importance of Soft Skills in Project Management

When it comes to project management, any project manager, no matter what industry they are engaged in, will tell you that it is inevitable that at some point during a project there will be conflicts. With so many individuals involved in a project there are always going to be different perspectives and opinions. The types

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The Importance of Employee Satisfaction for Business Success

It’s no secret that employees are the ones that help the company grow and develop further. Executives may come up with strategies or ideas but it’s down to employees to make everything happen.  That’s why employee satisfaction should be a top priority for every company today. When talking about employee satisfaction, it’s not just about

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Managing Technology

5 Steps for How to Use a SharePoint Calendar Color Code

SharePoint calendar has been a great advantage to most businesses today since it provides them with an easier way to organize their work and at the same time increases communication. There are various activities involved in a SharePoint calendar. Therefore, it is best if there is a system of arrangement and organization using SharePoint calendar

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What is Feedforward, and How Can it Benefit Your Business?

The UK’s employment sector is experiencing unprecedented tumult; around half of Britain’s workers are considering new jobs at the height of what has been titled “the Great Resignation”. Burnout is a key contributor to the metric, as well as evolving expectations on how a business conducts itself internally. With many employers wedded to outdated notions

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Balancing Work Life and Home Life in 2022 [Best Tips]

With remote working now the new normal for many of us, at least 50% of UK employers are still working from home in some capacity.  While many of us admitted to preferring the flexibility of working from home, it doesn’t come without its challenges. A recent poll revealed that 67% of workers felt less connected

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10 Tips for Connecting With Coworkers: Working from Home

When you work remotely, do you worry about Connecting With Coworkers? There’s no need to feel alone! As many of us work from home (some permanently), we feel disconnected. Working remotely doesn’t have to be difficult, a chore, or a struggle. Keeping in touch with clients, vendors, coworkers, managers, or direct reports should come naturally

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Managing Remote Work Across Different Countries

Over two years since the outbreak of the pandemic, we’re no strangers to remote working by now. While some businesses simply found working from home to be the new normal, many companies introduced working from the office again this year. With the new coronavirus variant now upon us, it looks as though remote working could

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10 ways to effectively utilise your time in a good way

Time is always a most precious thing because once it passes it never returns. Your time is your money, it is better to utilise your time in the best way so that it helps in increasing your value in terms of money or everything. In the best ways, your useful time will be helpful in

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The reason behind the science of mind management reveals Swami Mukunanand

It is true that if you beat your mind, you can conquer the world, even you can beat anyone, such as your enemy, mind, body, or any kind of situation. This idea is interpreted in Scripture, which includes real-life events, own learning skills. Swami Mukunananda has written a new book called THE SCIENCE OF MIND

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