
Stocks & Funds

Elon Musk’s Tesla stocks jump-start 2022 after record-breaking deliveries

Elon Musk's Tesla Shares Jump-start 2022

Elon Musk’s Tesla stock rose to new heights after impressive EV deliveries in 2021. The stock rose to 14% to $1,199.78, giving 2022 the jump-start it needed. Tesla made record-breaking deliveries of 936,172 EV’s in 2021, and 296,850 deliveries were of Model 3 and Y. 

Elon Musk’s Tesla stock to jump-start 2022 with record-breaking deliveries

The record number of electric vehicle deliveries in the fourth quarter of 2021 by Tesla soared Elon Musk’s fortune by $30 billion. Even the COVID-19 pandemic did not slow down the production or deliveries of electric vehicles. Tesla solved issues like factory closures and a limited supply of components by reprogramming software for using less scarce chips. 

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, tweeted – “Great work by Tesla team worldwide!” 

Congratulations are in order as Tesla stock jump-started 2022 with their record-breaking deliveries of 308,000 electric vehicles in the fourth quarter. 

With Tesla’s market capitalization crossing the $1trillion mark in October 2021 and new factories in Germany and Austin, Texas in 2022, Tesla shares are racing to the top. 

Elon Musk’s Tesla’s 2022 plans with record-breaking EV deliveries

Cowen analyst Jeffrey Osborne says, “We expect a gradual ramp of Berlin and Austin and anticipate those ramps will lead to a deceleration of exports from Shanghai, many of which have been bound for Europe in 2021.”

Nevertheless, various analysts believe that Tesla should watch out for competition in 2022. The record-breaking EV deliveries have raised the bar, and legacy automakers like Ford and General Motors are also focusing on Electric cars. 

Billionaire Elon Musk aims to increase sales by 20 million annually in the next nine years. 

Primary markets for Tesla’s Electric Vehicles

China and U.S. are undoubtedly the largest markets for Tesla’s electric vehicles. Tesla sold in bulk Model 3 and Y across U.S. and China. The Tesla plant in Shanghai produces model 3 and Y, and the Fermont factory in California make Model S, X, 3, and Y. 

With the stock jump-start of 2022, Elon Musk’s Tesla also aims to start the production of the Model Y crossover in the new Austin factory. 

What made Tesla stocks jump-start 2022 after record-breaking deliveries?

Elon Musk’s Tesla crushed analysts’ forecast after record-breaking deliveries of 308,600 electric vehicles. The company also surpassed yearly delivery expectations with 936,172 deliveries in 2021. These deliveries were a significant 87% rise from 500,000 in the previous year. 

Elon Musk’s Tesla shares have rocked the stock market. The Tesla stocks jump-started 2022 at a high production rate, and the company is producing 1.22 million vehicles annually. 

The EVs’ impressive annual production and timely deliveries sent the Tesla stocks soaring to new heights. 

In Conclusion,

Given the current success of Elon Musk’s Tesla shares jump-starting 2022, various analysts are speculating the future of Tesla shares. Tesla has outperformed the market and shows a 60% promise rise of TSLA stock over the next twenty-one trading days. 

Elon Musk’s Tesla is taking steps to secure its battery supply chain and signing a battery supply deal with Miner Syrah Resources for graphite. 

Also read – Read About The Federal Investigation Into Tesla Vehicles

Johannah is a passionate traveler. She is seeking remote places across India and exploring the benefits of being a Nomad. She has completed her bachelor's in Psychology Hons and diploma in Graphology. Being able to write helps her to share her experiences and be independent to travel anywhere.


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