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A baby boy born with double penis and two scrotums in Egypt

baby boy born with double penis

A Baby Born with double penis and two scrotums in Egypt!

It is very shocking news that a baby was born with double penis and two scrotums, even he was born with two urethrae which means that the baby can urinate with both sexes!

The child was suffering from a rare condition known as the caudal duplication syndrome-CDS. These types of cases usually do not occur. These are very cheeky cases. A similar case took place in Egypt. And the case came to light after the pediatric team in Egypt.
The main reason behind CDS is still unknown. There are many theories behind CDS. The main reason behind CDS is the failure of monastic twins to completely separate.

The cause of CDS is also due to congenital anomalies in the form of the incomplete rectum, renal anomalies, omphalocele.

CDS is not a normal case, it is a truly unusual case, most doctors are still unable to diagnose it. It requires several steps to improve, yet it is very important. But there is no solution to that disease.

This is the case of a baby boy who was born in Egypt and weighs 2.6 kg at birth but will be repaired 16 months after his age. Such cases are extremely rare and there is no medicine for this.

Even in a situation like this, it is really difficult for the child. CDS requires several steps to repair. This type of case is also not common, it is very rare. It is a very rare genetic disorder. CDS is simply a rare disease derived from the fetus’s cloaca and notochord, which are repeated in various forms.

As we know this is not a normal case it is less than 1 per 100000 cases. It is also an incomplete separation of monovular twins.

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