
Facts & Comment

Should women be allowed to compete against men?

Should women be allowed to compete with men?  Yes, it is valid to ask this question.  And why not, India is a country with a patriarchal society. So, it is also important to ask permission before competing. The debate over whether women should be permitted to compete against men in sports has been ongoing for

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Facts & Comment

How Charitable Organizations Help: A Comprehensive Guide

Charitable organizations play a crucial role in society, providing assistance to those in need, promoting social causes, and contributing to the overall well-being of communities.  This article aims to inform and persuade readers about the significant impact of charitable organizations and how they can contribute to these noble causes. The Role of Charitable Organizations Charitable

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Facts & Comment

Top 14 Interesting Facts about Women that Everyone Should Know!

Ladies and gentlemen, get ready to be amazed by some of the most fascinating facts about women! From their incredible multitasking abilities to their uncanny sense of smell, we’ve rounded up 14 amazing revelations that’ll leave you in awe. Whether you’re a woman intrigued by your own species or someone who wants to know more

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Facts & Comment

10 Surprising Facts About India that will Astonish You!

India is a land full of diversity, rich cultural Heritage and amazing history with over 1.3 billion people. India-known for its vibrant traditions, language, religions, mouth watering food, and amazing facts. A country where people belong to different caste and religion but there is still unity in our country.  As an Indian citizen it’s important to know

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Facts & Comment

Why More Russians are Choosing to Leave Their Homeland

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, hundreds of thousands of Russians are estimated to have left their country. We examine who they are, where they are going, and why they are leaving. Originally from a small town, Svetlana moved to Moscow at 18 to study physics at university. After graduation, she worked

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Facts & Comment

How to defend against sextortion: A looming threat to online security

Read how extortionists are using sextortion schemes to lure unsuspected victims in compromising situations that spread to social networks and endanger one’s reputation. During a visit to a matrimonial website, a 27-year-old Hyderabad resident became friendly with a prospect and requested a video call. After the call ended, the subject witnessed her undressing, and he

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Facts & Comment

India’s male preference and the economic emergence

India’s constant male preference remains unmasked despite an improved gender ratio. Furthermore, the economic emergence has failed to weaken patriarchal attitudes.  A 2011 census count reported the gender recovered from 940 females for 1,000 males compared to 2001.  Nevertheless, male preference in Indian families is no secret, despite the official estimate from the fifth National

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Economic & Finance Facts & Comment Politics World's Billionaires

Covid exploded inequality, boon for billionaires: Oxfam report

More than 16 crore humans were pushed into poverty and roughly 99 percent of people around the globe had diminished income during the pandemic. But it was a stark opposite scenario for the rich. The pandemic saw the 10 richest people of the world more than double their fortune to 1.5 trillion USD, at a

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Facts & Comment

Feminism in India: Are Women Really Taking Advantage of It?

Feminism or the word feminist is nowadays getting more and more popularization. Feminism means giving equal opportunities to all genders, specially women. The goal of feminism is to challenge the systemic inequalities which women faces on a daily basis either in their own family or at their workplace. Feminism is to protect the rights of

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Facts & Comment

All about Halo Effect and how it affects your daily life

We feel and think about someone’s character based on our overall impression of them, or the halo effect. The way you perceive a person (e.g., “He is nice!”) influences how you perceive specific characteristics of that person (e.g., “He is also smart!”). People’s perceptions of one trait influence their perceptions of other traits. The halo

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