
World Affairs

Top Countries that handled COVID-19 the Best

Countries who handled COVID-19

In the last year, the novel coronavirus has spread across the globe. 154 million cases and 3 million deaths. Some countries have handled these turbulent months better than others. Different governments commanded lockdowns at different times, and restrictions varied in severity. To combat COVID-19, various countries have rolled out vaccines and passports across the globe. But, there are Countries that handled COVID-19 the best.

Here is the list of Countries that handled COVID-19 the best.

1. Taiwan (1,153 cases, 12 deaths)

Taiwan tested and isolated travelers from Wuhan, China before the Coronavirus even registered on the radars of other governments.
Due to its networking with China, the island had a clear view of the earliest stages of the now-global epidemic, enabling it to act fresh – implementing a containment strategy that has proved to be one of the most successful in the world.

It continues to use technology to trace surmised cases to this day. The government also provides a quarantined hotel and taxi service to citizens who test positive for the disease. Before the Coronavirus pandemic, Taiwan maintained a supply of face masks and other medical supplies.

As a result of the SARS outbreak in 2003, Taiwan had the third-highest number of infections in the world. In preparation for the next pandemic, the country has since set up an infectious disease prevention network and held annual hospital drills.

COVID-19 has not spread in this small country for 200 days in a row.
People traveling from Indonesia accounted for the majority of these cases. Taiwan’s government, therefore, directed that all Indonesian migrant workers undergoing quarantine in quarantine centers undergo coronavirus testing following its rigid strategy. Taiwan was able to contain the outbreak thanks to this strategy, thus making it an excellent example among the countries that handled COVID-19 the best.

2. New Zealand (2,629 cases, 26 deaths)

New Zealand acted quickly to contain the spread of COVID-19 in its country.

To respond to the outbreak, the Ministry of Health established the National Health Coordination Center on 28 January 2020. As of 30 January, 2020, an Infectious and Notifiable Diseases Order will take effect. The Health Act 1956 requires health practitioners to report suspected cases. New Zealand’s first barrier of protection.

New Zealand imposed travel restrictions beginning in February 2020, and on 23 March 2020, it committed to eliminating travel restrictions. At the time of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s announcement that New Zealand would rapidly escalate social distancing and travel restrictions, the country reported 102 cases and zero deaths.

It took a more aggressive approach to ‘disease elimination’ rather than merely ‘flattening’ the curve. SARS has barely affected a country that hasn’t experienced a major pandemic.

More than a year after New Zealand’s first lockdown, the country continues to respond quickly to new cases. As a result of an infection by COVID-19 in November, Auckland health authorities temporarily affected the city’s central business district, asking workers to stay home.

Countries that handled COVID-19 the Best

3. Iceland (6,491 cases, 29 deaths)

As well as Iceland’s tiny population of 364,000, early surveillance and action enabled the country to keep case numbers low.

Early on, government officials built a contact tracing team to combat the outbreak. A team from this organization would interview patients with a positive diagnosis, and track down people who have been in touch with them. This has prevented the country from experiencing large-scale lockdowns seen in other countries.

Iceland’s success is also largely due to its residents staying indoors. The government covered the full salary of an individual who was suspected to have the virus while staying inside.

4. Singapore (61,252 cases, 31 deaths)

As a result of due preparation, aggressive testing, tracking of carriers, and some luck, COVID-19’s impact on Singapore was limited. A comparatively small population of 5.7 million people, combined with SARS’s experience in 2003, allowed the city-state to fend off the encroaching virus.

As soon as the disease spread in China, the government tightened border controls and released a public communication strategy. Although Singapore has a high number of cases, many have questioned why its mortality rate is so low.

Singapore suffers from a high rate of low-wage foreign workers living in dormitories.

Recently, Singapore announced pupils over the age of seven will be required to use a contact-tracking app or wearable device by December 2020. Hopefully, this will prevent transmission to older family members of COVID-19.

5. Vietnam (2,995 cases, 35 deaths)

On 23 January 2020, Vietnam’s emergency response plan was already in place months before other countries were even thinking about precautionary measures. As a result, several travel restrictions have been put into place. Closed China’s border, and increased border checks.

The schools closed at the end of January for the Lunar New Year’s holiday and remained closed until mid-May. Additionally, a massive and labor-intensive effort to trace contact was immediately launched.

It worked extremely well for Vietnam. Fortunately, it was possible to evacuate the city’s 80,000 visitors. It then sealed itself off from visitors and retreated into total lockdown.

Vietnam began the New Year with yet another outbreak triggered by the UK variant of the virus. However, officials are confident that they will be able to maintain control by following the same strict measures.

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