
World Affairs

Top 10 Countries Free from COVID-19 | Zero Cases Reported

Free from COVID-19

As of now, there are no reported cases of COVID-19 in these Places. There have been recorded numbers of Coronavirus cases worldwide. As the pandemic spreads from Italy to the United States, the second or third waves reveal worse conditions than when the pandemic initially struck. Nevertheless, even as vaccinations are underway and lockdowns begin to ease, countries free of COVID-19 remain coveted.

Since the coronavirus pandemic began in early 2020, some countries have managed to avoid it. The World Health Organization reports zero cases as of 19 May 2021.

Following is the list of the top ten countries not affected by COVID-19.

1. Tuvalu

Tuvalu is situated about halfway between Hawaii and Australia. In addition, the island chain consists of six atolls and three reef islands. Additionally, the combined area is over 10 square miles and there are over 10,000 residents. Besides being independent, it is a Commonwealth member. A mandatory quarantine has been implemented in some cases to close its borders.

2. Turkmenistan

Because of Turkmenistan’s central Asian location, one wonders if it could beat the COVID-19 pandemic that has swept the planet except for one continent. Coronavirus cases have still not been officially acknowledged by the country. However, religious and commercial travel continues to be restricted. In addition, they encourage mask-wearing and social distancing. That’s why it’s free from COVID-19.

3. Tonga

With about 170 islands, 36 of which are inhabited, Tonga is bordered by Fiji to the northwest, Samoa to the north, and Niue to the northeast. According to reports, the nation has kept the coronavirus away from its shores by restricting cruise ships and closing airports before the outbreak, though it has yet to see any cases.

4. Tokelau

Tokelau is a territory that is dependent on New Zealand and consists of three tropical coral atolls in the South Pacific Ocean, called a nation by governments in both Tokelau and New Zealand. Three atolls have combined land areas of 4 square miles, and the capital rotates among them each year.

As Tokelau lacks an airport, it can only reached by ship. Tokelau is the first nation powered entirely by renewable energy. It has about 1500 residents.

5. Saint Helena

The British Overseas Territory of Saint Helena is located in the South Atlantic Ocean. The area is considered to be one of the world’s most remote. Concerning the west coast of southwestern Africa, Saint Helena lies more than 1,200 miles away and Rio de Janeiro is 2,500 miles away to the east. In 1502 the Portuguese discovered the island, located 10 miles from the mainland and 5 miles wide, and discovered a population of 4500 people.

6. The Pitcairn Islands

Located in the Pacific Ocean, the Pitcairn Islands are a group of four volcanic islands. Having fewer than 50 residents full-time, the islands among the least populated nations in the world. In 1790, the British HMS Bounty carried mutineers from Tahiti to Pitcairn, of which some 500 arrived. Pitcairn’s residents are biracial, descendants mostly from Tahitians.

However, there have been no reported cases of COVID-19, but the U.S. government warns that infectious diseases are at high risk there.

7. Palau

More than 300 islands make up the archipelago of Palau, which is located about 800 miles southwest of Guam and more than 500 miles east of the Philippines. As a free association member of the United States, it is an independent country. To stave off the coronavirus pandemic, the island nation suspended all commercial air travel, later implementing a mandatory quarantining scheme.

8. North Korea

The only non-island nation on this list is North Korea, although it’s reporting of zero cases of the novel coronavirus has questioned. The country shares a border with China and South Korea, which some belief would make zero cases more unlikely. North Korea, the largest nation without cases, has imposed travel and border restrictions and instituted a strict lockdown.

9. Niue

There is a land bridge connecting New Zealand and Australia about 1,500 miles to the northeast. Niue is an island nation in the Cook Islands and the westernmost coral island in the world. Support has been provided by New Zealand in the fight against COVID-19. It is one of the countries Free from COVID.

10. Nauru

Nauru has the second smallest population in the world at around 10,000 and is the third-smallest country in the world in terms of size. It is just 8 square miles in size, and neighboring Kiribati has the smallest population as well. According to reports, their neighboring island nations have also implemented similar travel restrictions to keep Coronavirus at bay.

Also Read: Top Countries that handled COVID-19 the best

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