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History & Culture

How is Hinduism different in Bali vs Hinduism in India?

Hinduism is a diverse and complex religious and cultural tradition that originated in the Indian subcontinent. It is one of the oldest religions in the world and has no single founder or central authority. Instead, it encompasses a wide range of beliefs, practices, rituals, and philosophies that have evolved over thousands of years. Hinduism is characterized

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History & Culture

The Decline of Buddhism in India: What Caused its Disappearance?

Buddhism is a major world religion and also a philosophy that originated around the 6th century BCE. Founded by Siddhartha Gautama commonly known as Buddha which refers  to “The awakened one”. We have 4 truths related to Buddhism which provide us with an understanding of the suffering, and the path to peace. These truths somewhere

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History & Culture

Primary schools in Utah ban the Bible due to its ‘vulgarity and violence’

Several school districts in the US state of Utah have removed -ban the Bible from elementary and middle schools because it contains “vulgarity and violence”. A parent complained that the King James Bible contains inappropriate material. Utah’s Republican government banned “pornographic or indecent” books from schools in 2022. So far, books related to sexual orientation

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History & Culture

How Islamic law is perceived around the globe

We know very well that India is well known for its diversity, and India is a biggest democratic country as well. This is the only country who has written a constitution and everything in that constitution Hindu law and Islamic law well explained, and today we will discuss how Islamic law is perceived around the

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History & Culture

Child Marriage In India. A Growing Issue

Child marriage is still a very common practice in India, with millions of girls being married off before they reach the age of 18. India has seen an increasing number of women reported being forced into marriage by their parents and other relatives. Child marriage is not just a regional or religious issue, but it’s

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History & Culture

The legal age for marriage increased to 21 for women in India

The NDA govt led by PM Narendra Modi raised the legal age for marriage to 21 for women in India.  Child marriage is an age-old tradition causing hindrance for women across the country.  As per NFHS-5 2019-2021, 14.7% of women under 18 are married in urban areas. At the same time, 27% belonged in the

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History & Culture

Top 10 Most Famous People of Egypt!

Do you know, who are the Famous People of Egypt? Although the Ancient Egyptian empire existed so long ago, its remarkable sophistication is still hard to comprehend. Nevertheless, the stories of the Ancient Egyptian pharaohs allow us to learn more about a fascinating civilization that lasted for over 3,000 years and had 170 pharaohs. Pharaohs

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